Southern Heritage News & Views Dixie Videos

Monday, March 05, 2007

Why Disney won't re-release 'Song of the South'

In "Song of the South," it's not the message that has aged poorly, so much as the style of its delivery. Brer Rabbit announces in Old South patois that he's "done made up my mind" to leave home. Brer Fox's accent, supplied by Baskett, is retro enough to make an Imperial Wizard cringe. And between "Well, suhs" and "Sho' 'nuffs," Uncle Remus delivers such lines as: "Ol' Brer Fox was powerful curious 'bout the whereabouts of Brother Rabbit."

"The language sort of hits you as being inappropriate for public consumption," said Kathy Merlock Jackson, a Virginia Wesleyan College professor who has written two books on Walt Disney. "We're in a different time."

My goodness, that's the way I talk! That means most Southron language ain't fit for public consumption! Well!... Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, y'all! ... PoP

Story HERE
Thanks to Kathy
The Southern American


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